Transport and Movement of Vehicles on Site
Private Vehicles - Parent/Guardian
On Site
The process of traffic management on site is regulated by school-based risk assessment which sits beside a Traffic Management Plan to further enhance this. Significant resources and plans are in place to safeguard and protect pupils, staff and parents while they are on site.
The school is ‘locked down’ during school hours and the public are unable to access the school grounds. We have had to introduce a number of other safety measures to improve the safety of the site over the last few years and pupils safety is our highest priority.
At the Beginning of the School Day
Drop off is through the main school gates and up the drive (where the main school sign is situated).
Please ensure that you:
- Drive carefully and with correct regard for the users of the site and road.
- Drive at a maximum of 5 miles per hour while on site.
- Drop off in the designated drop off zone, with pupils alighting on the near side, not in the road way.
- Drive safely, with a full awareness of pedestrians and other vehicles around you.
- If you must park your vehicle, please ensure you can DRIVE OUT of your space and NOT REVERSE into the road where pupils and parents may be crossing. If you must reverse, please refrain from doing so until the site has emptied.
- Ensure that children who are collected from school are fully supervised while they exit site.
- If your child walks home alone and permission has been given, please ensure they have good ‘road sense’ and use the resources on this website as a guide
At the End of the School Day
The road on the right of the entrance to the school, behind The Walled Garden and to the rear of the school canteen, is accessible. The gate is unlocked at 2.55 and will be locked again at 3.10 in order to stop the flow of traffic while pupils are dismissed from classes. This is the only collection point for pupils being collected by car.
The gate will be reopened at 3.15 for cars to leave and for another period collection to take place.
This area is supervised by staff.
Please ensure that you:
- Drive carefully and with correct regard for the users of the site and road.
- Drive at a maximum of 5 miles per hour while on site.
- Drive safety, with a full awareness of pedestrians and other vehicles around you.
- If you must park your vehicle, please to ensure you can DRIVE OUT of your space and NOT REVERSE into the road where pupils and parents may be crossing. If you must reverse, please refrain from doing so until the site has emptied.
- You are not permitted to leave this area until notified by staff.
- Ensure that children who are collected from school are fully supervised while they exit site .
Local Authority Transport
The Local Authority provide school transport to those families living within the eligible school catchment.
If you require any support with regards to school transport, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Pupils are fully supervised when they arrive to school in the morning and when they leave on buses in the afternoon.
Families are reminded that pupils must always have their bus passes with them to travel each day .